
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Textured Toddler's Hat

I like the texture this stitch gives.  It's a crochet that's most like moss or seed stitch.  It's not lacy, so it's versatile and can be tailored for boys or girls.

The pattern is very simple.  With moss stitch you purl where you knit in the row below, with this crochet stitch you sc where you dc in the row below.

For this one I used a worsted weight yarn and size H hook.

Start with a magic or sliding ring.  Here's a tutorial from Craftsy on that.

Round 1
chain 3 (first DC)
9 DC in ring for a total of 10
slip stitch to join at first chain 3

Round 2
Chain 3 (first DC) sc in same space.  
Repeat with a DC & SC in every DC around - total of 20 stitches
slip stitch to join at first chain 3

Round 3
Chain1 SC in first stitch (the chain 3 from the row before) DC & SC in next stitch
DC in next stitch, SC & DC in next
*SC next  DC & SC in next stitch
DC next SC & DC in next
repeat from * around ending on a DC
slip stitch to join at first sc

Round 4
Chain 3 (first DC) SC next, DC&SC in next
*DC next stitch,  SC next, DC & SC in next
repeat from *around ending with SC
slip stitch to join at beginning chain 3

Round 5
chain 1 SC in first stitch  DC next stitch SC next stitch DC&SC in next
DC next stitch, SC next, DC next Stitch, SC &DC in next
*SC in next stitch, DC next, SC next, DC&SC in next stitch
DC next stitch, SC next stitch, DC next stitch, SC&DC in next
Repeat from * around ending with DC
slip stitch to join at first SC

This is where I ended the crown - the hat fits a 1-2 year old.  Keep working in the same pattern to make it larger, or use a larger hook or yarn

Round 6
Chain 3 (first DC) SC
*DC next, SC following stitch 
repeat from * ending on SC
join with slip stitch to beginning chain 3

Round 7
Chain 1 SC first stitch, DC next
*SC following stitch, DC next
Repeat from * around ending with DC
join with slip stitch to first SC

Rounds 8-13 repeat Rows 6&7

Change colors for stripe
Continue in pattern repeating rows 6&7 for 3 more rows

change back to main color

Chain 1 sc in first stitch and around
join with slip stitch to first stitch
fasten off
weave in ends

Leave it plain or fancy it up with flowers or appliques.

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