
Friday, April 5, 2013

Virtual Race and Photo Project

This is Tara.  She's the daughter of someone I went to school with about a million years ago.  At least it feels that way sometimes.  It was actually closer to 30, but I'm feeling old today.

This year Tara turned 8, the very next month she was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer.  She is on a 70 week chemo plan - 4 down, 66 to go.  That's a really big battle for a little girl.

My own daughters and I decided to dedicate our race this summer to  Tara and maybe fundraise along the way.  From that grew a photo project and a virtual race.

Both can be found at

The virtual race is a 5k and you get a medal.  The profits will be sent to the family to help cover the enormous medical expenses they are facing.  It's a nice medal, two hearts and the words - nobody fights alone.

The photo project is my favorite part of things.  I want to show Tara the world while she fights this disease.  I'm asking for people to send in pictures of themselves, their kids, their pets or just something cool in their area with a sign supporting Tara.  

A link is on the website or you can send them to me on facebook at

Or just click here to email

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